Bibliography of Chinese Metaphor (2000)
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DE KNOP, Sabine, “Linguistic and extra-linguistic aids for reconstruction and interpretation of metaphors in headlines”, in PAPROTTÉ, The ubiquity of metaphor, pp. 243-262.
DE MAN, Paul, “The epistemology of metaphor”, in SACKS, On metaphor, (1978), pp. 11-28.
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FALCHIKOV, Michael, Christopher PIKE and Robert RUSSELL, (eds.), Words and images, Nottingham, Astra Pres, 1989. EUL: .491704 Wor.
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FOSS, Martin, Symbol and metaphor in human experience, London, 1949.
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HONECK, Richard P., with Clare T. Kibler, “Representation in cognitive psychological theories of figurative language”, in PAPROTTÉ, The ubiquity of metaphor, pp. 381-424.
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PARTRIDGE, Eric, A dictionary of historical slang, abridged by Jacqueline SIMPSON, Harmondsworth, Penguin Books, 1972.
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